This is why it pays to have people who love music around you. @LilBthebasedGod...@9thwondermusic

Hood my less..didn't know this was out..)

If you DON'T LIKE Lil B, you are PROBABLY gonna be mad at the end of this track. 'Cause he didn't do anything wrong on this joint. At all. At this point, it is YOU. It isn't him. I take him off the track, let the lyrics flow outta your favorite MCs mouth and you would love it. @ you not liking this SOLELY based on it being Lil B from the door. (Shrugs)

Oh and while we are on it, I am indifferent about his album title. @ Gay. I assume there is a message so I will wait to see what it is before I pass a judgment on it. Besides, truthfully, Lil B isn't making music for MY generation. He is doing it for his and my daughters so...Kinda don't want to come down on him for that. Ya dig? I remember ALL TOO WELL WHEN NIGGAS WERE SHITTING ON US FOR LIKING WU, Biggie and the like when they (the older ones) revered Rakim, Kane and such (not like we didn't but we DUG EVERYONE ELSE TOO!) It just wasn't 'their' rappers. I understood it. I try to be that tolerant now with the youngins. It is THEIR SHIT. Gotta let 'em do it. Teach 'em along the way though...@ the history and such and never let 'em forget but straight 'shitting on their music'? Nah B. Not for me. Have it though. @ those of you who do.


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