(Wonders aloud how many folks are going to act shocked that Glen Rice & Sarah Palin may have had relations...)

I mean, we don't have video confirmation (Not for a lack of the technology but rather because people actually didn't think having sex was some monumental thing that they only took part in. ) but lets just say it is true and we wholeheartedly believe it.

Then what? I mean I guess it is a chance for some cheap jokes at both of their expenses but after then what do we do with that information? I mean I KNOW we aren't gonna 'judge' her on that one when there are PLENTY OF OTHER THINGS that we have ACTUAL CONFIRMATION and evidence THAT SHE HAS DONE OR SAID are we? As for Glen, I mean he was in school at a major university and he was the STAR BASKETBALL PLAYER. I can 't see anything wrong on either side of this one. Sorry. Oh that's right , Todd was in 'the picture' at the time. So? Pretty sure Todd was getting his dick wet too so let's not play up the strong manly man's 'sensitive ego' thing that most of you are out her using as a cop out. Charge it to the game and keep it moving. @ probably what he would do if he was smart. (Oh, you think HE DOESN'T KNOW DON'T YOU? Probably because YOU WOULDN'T SAY ANYTHING...Oh..Project much?)

I don't like the gal either but damm..I'm just not that invested to go reaching to slander her with this bullshit honestly.

Not my style to kick dirt on folks for shit like this especially when it is pretty common. She had a sports caster gig. She liked dudes. They fucked (maybe). Big deal. Ya'll can continue to giggle and judge like school girls if you like though...Have fun with all that shit.

Just my take on it.



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