(Words) want to talk RATIONALLY about the Stepdad Charged With Murdering 3 Teens in Philly..

Emphasis on 'want'...

 There are MANY MANY MANY questions I have about this situation as well as some things I want to point out about this situation. 

Lets cover the obvious. He is an adult. They are kids. Lets get that out of the way because for some of you, that is ALL YOU CAN SEE and it ends there. So I will openly acknowledge what should BE OBVIOUS. 

Lets dig deeper though and ask the questions that some of you want to GLOSS over, shall we?

WHO TAUGHT THESE KIDS THEIR CONFLICT RESOLUTION SKILLS? Get in the car SEVEN DEEP and confront someone AT THEIR OWN HOME? I WONDER WHAT KIND OF ROLE MODELS THEY HAD that taught them that? I have to wonder aloud just WHERE WERE the adults in THEIR SITUATION? Again, I know YOU DON'T WANT TO ASK THESE QUESTIONS but I will. It only makes sense. 

Furthermore, JUST HOW DID THEY THINK IT WAS GOING TO TURN OUT? I mean you mount up SEVEN DEEP GOING TO SOMEONE'S house you don't know WHAT YOU MIGHT ENCOUNTER. I mean, this isn't the movies. This is real life. You run up on someone's house bringing 'drama', you don't know what is waiting for you... Just because someone 'dares' you to do something doesn't mean they ARE BLUFFING. They might....gasp...actually have something waiting on that ass. In this case, they did. I keep hearing murmurs about 'expecting a fist fight' and it not being fair but if there are seven of you, how 'fair' was the fist fight going to be? Oh......Sounds like a classic case of 'We have the advantage so we are gonna..oh wait we don't have the advantage anymore so lets cry FOUL...' That's just what that is.. Sorry. You want to be a man and go to another MAN'S HOUSE then things like this might happen... There are consequences for the adult but there are also consequences for one who ventures to a man's house in search of a confrontation.

Now....before you say..'Damm Mr. Blogger, so it is just ALL THEIR FAULT HUH? THEY ARE KIDS!!" keep reading...I'm going to tear the shooter a new asshole too. Just relax. It is just that sometimes, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU TELL YOUNG PEOPLE SHIT DOES STINK, it tends SMELL STRONGER when one of their own is involved. Hence me being so harsh about it. At that age, you think you are invincible as you have 'Your whole life ahead of you..' and you make some INCREDIBLY DUMB DECISIONS. What if it wasn't the stepfather who had the gun but ONE OF THE BOYS THEY WERE GOING TO CONFRONT GOT A HOLD OF IT? (Pretty sure that gun wasn't bought THAT DAY..It is a pretty safe bet that it is was in the household...) There had to be a better way to solve WHATEVER the issue was than to GO OVER TO THEIR HOUSE AGGRESSIVELY. Had to be...Speaking of 'had to be'....

There had TO BE A BETTER A WAY FOR THE STEPFATHER TO HANDLE THIS. So you find out, your kids have an issue and from the sounds of it, ONE OF THEM TELLS THEM TO COME TO THE CRIB. I won't come out and say the stepfather told the boys to tell them to come through but that's what is going to be said. Lets just say that even if he didn't and found out while they were in route he STILL COULD HAVE HANDLED IT BETTER. He could have called..the cops...Oh wait...

(We are about to get to the REAL ISSUE HERE...BARE WITH ME... We are almost there..) 


....You see, this is where THAT BULLSHIT causes MORE BULLSHIT. Those kids would be ALIVE today if SOMEONE HAD CALLED THE COPS. Someone. I don't know who. I won't say it is my place to say WHO. All I know is that NOBODY WAS GUIDING THOSE KIDS IN A MANNER THAT WOULD ALLOW THAT TO EVEN BE AN OPTION and now three kids are dead. One man is going to go to jail 'protecting his family' OUTSIDE OF HIS HOME (If he did it right and let them get on his property like a PROPER GUN OWNER knows how to do......) taking a form of justice that WHILE EVEN AS A PARENT I MAY UNDERSTAND (Hell he might be too and may have come to grips with the punishment that will probably come..) I can't 'FULLY' condone. 

Knowing there was a way to do it. I can't say he could have pulled out the gun and scared 'em off because that might have led to MORE SHIT and his kids getting killed but what I can say is his mere presence might have squashed this. He is THE ADULT. Now I have no way of knowing if the 'victims' in this case would have been receptive to that. Judging by the way he sat IN HIS DRIVEWAY, shot them and then went into hiding, I think it is PRETTY SAFE TO SAY he operates on the 'wavelength' as the boys who thought it was a good idea to go to a MAN'S HOUSE and start trouble. Get what I'm saying? No? Let me spell it out for you so that I am CRYSTAL CLEAR. 

This is what happens when you live a 'certain' way or you attempt to do so. I should strike that last part out actually cause even those that 'really live it' GET SHOT AND KILLED so lets not act like that exempts one from dying. Going around, looking for confrontations is a DEAD END STREET. I won't hit ya'll with the syrupy sweet message of 'Too many of us are dying..." Nope... Lets keep it 'trill' as some of you like to say.

Nowadays though, we are out here raising our youth to 'NOT WALK AWAY FROM ANYTHING' under the guise of 'If you don't stand for nothing you will fall for ANYTHING' or my favorite negro saying "I'd rather die standing than live on my knees.." Meanwhile, THOSE THAT SAY THAT BULLSHIT HAVE OUR YOUTH 'FALLING FOR BULLSHIT'.. Not sure when 'bullshit' became better than 'anything'. Much like the rest of the niggeraztion of the every SAYING KNOWN TO MAN AT THIS POINT, you niggers (yes I said niggers..) have managed to take what were positive sayings into PURE GARBAGE. I don't want to so much as strangle the ADULT that shot the kids as I do the IDIOTS that taught them the core values that got them into the situation in the first place. Who thinks SEVEN ON THREE is a fair fight? What kinda coward ass shit IS THAT? Misguided youth for sure. All the way around.

I'll tell you what though. Since some of you BELIEVE IN THE BULLSHIT so much, why don't you ask those little boys if THEY STILL FEEL THAT THEY MADE CORRECT CHOICE TO CONFRONT FOLKS AT THEIR HOUSE? Oh wait, YOU CAN'T. They are dead. -_-. Last I checked, according to EVERY NOT SO THINLY VEILED THREAT OF EVERY WANNA BE MODERN DAY BILLY THE KID, "Dead man tell no tales...." so you can't ask 'em. I bet you their mothers and their PEOPLE would LOVE TO ASK THEM THOUGH AND WISHED THEY WERE ALIVE TODAY. No amount of your 'respect' can bring them back either.. @ those of you who think they went out 'like G's' and since quite frankly 95% of you don't have a window to piss in or pot to throw it out with, it REALLY MEANS NOTHING. @ your respect. 

I won't get into how I think that this might serve as a wake up call for youth in the area this happened or how this might show what happens when you DON'T GROW UP with any sense of morals or values. I FAULT THEM BOTH. @ the parties involved. Lots of things that, unfortunately due to the 'rules' of society, could have been done to avoid this TRAGEDY. Make mistake, this is a tragedy. One that will be repeated as boys grow up to be...well....boys.. * 

 *I told you I don't totally blame those kids. The adult in the situation should have left his 'street dreams' in the streets and called the authorities BUT I KNOW WHY HE DIDN'T. Our society won't 'allow it'. We have 'out smarted ourselves' and now we can't even reach out when we REALLY SHOULD. Not contacting/talking to the police when you and your boy have commissioned a crime is ONE THING. I DEFINITELY agree with that. Maybe you 'don't get involved' in the things 'that happen on your block' if you want to live**. Aight..cool. But shit like this? You HAVE TO USE YOUR BRAIN. This wasn't going to END WELL REGARDLESS. Either your kids are gonna get hurt or maybe even you. If you 'care about the streets' as much as you say though, I would think you would try to MEDIATE on some level. Even before calling ANYONE but something should have been done. Unfortunately, the same 'ideal' that prompted those boys to get into the car and take that 'ride' is the same one that got three of 'em killed.

**Can't complain about shit though. Period. The end. It is either live with it or do something.

Stepdad Charged With Murdering 3 Teens | NBC 10 Philadelphia

Three teens are dead and another was injured after a 30-year-old stepfather opened fire on a car full of kids who allegedly came over to confront his three stepsons Tuesday night, according to police.
Authorities apprehended Axel Barreto Wednesday night without incident at a Bensalem, Pa. motel and Thursday morning, the man accused of killing three teens has now been charged with their murder.
Police say that around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, seven teens got in a car and drove over to a house on the 1500 block of East Luzerne Street in the Juniata section of Philadelphia. There, Barreto was waiting with a semi-automatic in the driveway. A dispute that allegedly began on Facebook pitted the seven teens in the car against Barreto's three teenage stepsons in the house in what was expected to be a fistfight..
Barreto allegedly fired about a dozen shots into the car full of kids, police said.
Four of the seven teens were hit. Police tell NBC Philadelphia that two of the teens, 14-year-old Javier Orlandi of the 200 block of East Mayfield Street and 14-year-old Joshua Soto of the 900 block of Poplar Street, were pronounced dead at St. Christopher’s Hospital just before 11 p.m. Tuesday.
Dante Lugo, also 14, of the 900 block of 6th Street was in critically injured and died in the hospital Wednesday night, police said.
The 16-year-old driver was in stable condition Wednesday. His neck was grazed by a bullet, according to authorities.
The three other teens who had been in the car were talking with police, helping them figure out the chain of events leading up to the deadly shooting. Police say that someone in the car received a call asking them to meet in the driveway.
Authorities say the shooting was a result of an argument between teens from two different neighborhoods. It's unknown where they went to school and the exact cause of the dispute.


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