(Words) To the wack ass motherfucker who decided to 'report' and THEN HACK the blog..

Why you reported it is still pretty much a mystery. Did I strike a nerve? Give you a little bit of truth? Do you lack the ability to communicate effectively? I mean I am trying to figure out why go THAT ROUTE? Oh you thought you were doing your 'good deed' is that it? *Chuckles*

You could have also chosen to...wait for it....

...not read the blog and keep it moving. Too much like right though..  

You know..through your haste to serve 'justice', did you notice that there was an email address? You know, maybe you could have ..I don't know..HIT THE EMAIL if you took issue with what was being put up on the blog. Or you know you could have just...well..not read it. "Cause all that is going to happen is that 'whomever' you think you are protecting from the truth is this.

They are going to click on the 'adult content' label and read away anyway... That's it. No more.

I guess you knew that probably wouldn't have 'mattered' in the grand scheme of things though. "Cause the content was going to be put up regardless..So you tried to hack it. Real cute. So now, when I post things up, I get a 'content' warning on things that aren't 'content' warning worthy. Do you not fucking read? Every time I put something up that isn't 'safe', I make that announcement. Wait, let me guess..you didn't 'think that what you did would cause that much 'damage' right? FOH. You knew. However I'm no rookie. LOL

Then you sent that wack ass hacker when it didn't go your way? SMH... You should show yourself though. Stop being a coward. Let me know who you are and then we can handle it like 'men'. If you are a female, GO GET YOUR MAN and we can handle it like 'men'. Till then though..this is what I have to say...

You can shut down, hack into, disable, OR WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO. You can't stop me from voicing my opinions. If not here, it will be done SOMEWHERE. 

If you are a competitor, DO BETTER NIGGA. That's all. I wouldn't 'report you' 'cause I don't give a fuck enough about whatever it is the fuck you are over there doing. Straight like that. (Thinks back to all the questions some of you niggas ask me on the low...Interesting)

If you are a 'champion of some cause', champion these nuts in your mouth...'cause I'm back like I never left.. Shitting on whatever it is that has us at the opposite end of the spectrum. Whether it be here or somewhere else, you are gonna have to hear me if I choose to speak on it. If you are gonna follow me that is...

 Everyone else. Like Shawn Corey says..you only get half a bar.... 

Fuck ya'll niggas...

*There is nothing here to 'save' anyone from.. Trust me. Unless you don't like the truth of course..I mean if you are allergic to that..yeah..then you might need saving..

**Plus the blog is archived so... yeah..



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