Not just a team but a WHOLE LEAGUE?? Well..Okay then.

It is my fault for not covering this sooner 'cause I REALLY thought people were joking about this shit on Twitter. Alas they are not. This is taking place in Augusta, Georgia. (Stop that! I see some of you already! I know..I know...I can't blame you actually..) Peep why they want to do it. Of course 'race' has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHY THEY WANT TO DO IT...(FOH!) You should probably know that Don "Moose" Lewis also tried to open a basketball league (ABA) early in 2001, has done boxing and wrestling promotions and owns some businesses in the ATL. So this is definitely a 'gimmick' in some sense that he hopes takes off. Being offensive probably doesn't bother him in the least so write ups like this one here won't offend him in the least.

See here for past ventures..

Here was his 'justifications'/reasons for opening said league..Wonder who is going to pull in to play in this league? I am sure that SOMEONE will play in it. Will they wear Confederate flags during the games? Will it be sponsored by Skoal? I mean, since he is being UTTERLY ridiculous with statements that this isn't about race, we might as well just go all out with it right?

Look here. I actually think that there is nothing 'wrong' with him wanting to do it. It is indeed a free country. I just know that the motive behind it and the lack of the thought of the ramifications are wrong. That's all. He can do as he pleases ultimately. I won't be watching it. Knock yourself out fam. As if fighting in sports exclusive to sports that have a predominately black make up? Hockey anyone?? Basebrawll...I mean baseball (even though minorities play it there are plenty of people of none color playing it) This is laughable. At best. @ his reasons. Just stop hiding behind the reasons you are doing it Don. That's all. I like my racist forthcoming and outright thank you. That way we can stay the hell away from each other. Totally.

"Don "Moose" Lewis, the commissioner of the AABA, said the reasoning behind the league's roster restrictions is not racism.

"There's nothing hatred about what we're doing," he said. "I don't hate anyone of color. But people of white, American-born citizens are in the minority now. Here's a league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like."

Lewis said he wants to emphasize fundamental basketball instead of "street-ball" played by "people of color." He pointed out recent incidents in the NBA, including Gilbert Arenas' indefinite suspension after bringing guns into the Washington Wizards locker room, as examples of fans' dissatisfaction with the way current professional sports are run.

"Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction.

The Atlanta-based league, which will operate as a single-entity owning all of its teams, is looking for local contacts to pay $10,000 to become a "licensee" in one of 12 cities throughout the Southeast. Lewis said he has already received threats from people opposed to the roster restrictions and several cities have told him to stay out of town. Lewis said he has yet to hear from any one in Augusta.

"We need a local person ingrained into the community to make this successful," he said.

Lewis said he expects to eventually find support in every town with a team.

"People will come out and support a product they can identify with. I'm the spoken minority right now, but if people will give us a chance, it'll work... The white game of basketball, which is essentially a fundamental game, works."

Rest of the article..


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