Twitter Person of the Week- @WiseMath

As with the other series, I put this one away too. A little sooner but nonetheless, away. Feedback was good for this one too so I am bringing it back for the '10 campaign. It will not always be the same gender, for those of you who are new to this. It will always be done though. It is just another way to introduce people to some of the cool people I follow on Twitter and to let them know that I appreciate them. Without further delay...

Wise Math

This brother here is a DEEP thinker. Constantly tweeting about his thoughts with great eloquence (and equally great candor), he is entertaining to the tenth power. He is not afraid to say he is without flaws, which to me is a GREAT TRAIT TO HAVE AS A HUMAN BEING. Seeing as though we are all flawed in some way, shape form or fashion. A writer, a poet, a gentleman and a scholar...He is from the 'Urreah'/DMV/or DC, Maryland, Virginia for those of you unfamiliar. Did I mention he raps? He is a member of Dumhi. Oh yeah, he does that too. Follow him on Twitter or hit him up at his wordpress blog below. Get to know him.


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