Twitter 2 X Chromomsome of the Week- FoxxyBagLady

She is a brave Cowboys fan from the DMV. That alone should tell you all you need to know. Witty, big football fan

Per her own bio:

# Bio Your favorite writer's favorite writer. Purses are my LIFE. Reckless Tweeter Crew. Football Enthusiast. Cowboys Fan. Beautiful Jerk. Beagle Mom. Loyal chick.


She is a fellow Crackberry addict too so you will see tweets about said BB.

Here is her blog. If you look around, you will see the 6 degrees of separation via her blog roll and topics there. She knows her sports but is DEFINITELY a female. @ the blog topics. Which means that some of you ladies should be following her. Oh, you thought it was just dudes who check out the gals? That I didn't know YOU check them out? @ the gals reading this. C'mon now.

Follow her HERE:


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