Here's what they think about you (Lebron) - Ice Cube

Oh where to begin?

I could begin here where I spoke on where I thought he should go. Naw, you can just read that. Here is a hint though...He went where I thought he should go. Following me on Twitter is GOING TO BE HELL NOW. Trust me. I'mma talk CASH SHIT ALL SEASON LONG IF NO  MORE THAN TO SPITE ALL OF YOU HATING ON THIS MAN BECAUSE OF HIS 'DECISION'. I don't wanna hear it is because of the 'execution' of it either. It is more than that.

Not to mention...He kinda TOLD you what he was gonna do here. In June.

I could start with this whole notion that because he was a free agent, he was to operate under the 'normal' behaviors of a free agent. They usually don't on to other teams when they are of his magnitude because of the money. Everyone was counting on that staying status quo. You see, for as much as we like to complain about our athletes being dumb & selfish, we SURELY don't want them to change. 'Cause then, we couldn't shit on them as easily when they don't do what we want. Much like musical artists.....I could go on this tangent...Perhaps another time. I'mma leave this one be too.

I could simply post up these pictures and let them speak for themselves...

No, I think I am going to start here. With the premise of the title of this post. What people think about Lebron James. At this point the line has been drawn. I am sure that we have all seen the jerseys being burned. The Facebook statuses. The Twitter statuses. The strong dislike that is bubbling about one LEBRON JAMES. Yeah, I will start there.

Now if you already didn't like the man, LAST NIGHT was the chance to go ALL IN for you. You guys did not disappoint. You went in full boar. Called him all types of 'bitches', whores, and even got your good shots in about his mother Gloria. I hope ya'll felt better after letting us know once again just how much you loathe Lebron James. You hit us with how 'your heroes' didn't have to 'leave' to get a chip. How they didn't 'need help. They also weren't leaving Cleveland. Not Chicago. (A HUGE MARKET with drawing power.) They also didn't get 'gifted' the best player in Europe. Twice. Think about that...

Some of you came from a basketball terminology point when it came to discussing Lebron going to Miami. You spoke of there only being 'one ball'. Who was going to be on their roster. How they would be able to win with the little bit of talent that they most certainly will only have outside of the 'three superstars'. Fair enough. We did that with Boston. Questioned Rondo...You remember how that turned out right? So it can happen. Will it? We don't know...EITHER WAY.

Some of you have said 'it will never be his team'. That there is NOTHING he could ever do to make it any different. That there is no way it will be 'their team'. How does that crystal ball you have working for you? Remember, you said he wasn't EVEN GOING TO GO TO MIAMI in the first place. With that same crystal ball. Again, excuse me if I don't defer to your crystal ball's line of thinking. @ not really knowing. We don't know WHOSE team it is gonna be or if will have to go down like that. Remember, we are in 'technically' new territory. Three free agents in THEIR PRIME teaming together ON THEIR OWN ACCORD. I am also loving how 'What you think of him' somehow changes the reality of the situation. If you think he is a 'bitch' so what? If you think he is a whore, again, what you want? A cookie? People to agree? I am not sure I understand the angst behind that statement or what is gained by it but hey. You like it I love it......

I hear a lot of bellyaching about 'the old days' where players stayed with their original teams to win chips. You mean like Moses Malone did? Like Rick Bary did? I can keep going....Stop that. People change teams. It happens. Like I said in the linked post before up top, these kids actually made a decision that wasn't based on money or EGO. I hear broadcasters who used to play on TV talking about what Magic and Bird would have done (or not have done) without bringing up who the hell else they were playing with. Worthy, Kareem, McHale (aforementioned announcer btw), Tiny Archibald, Dennis Scott, Jamal Wilkes, Michael Cooper and many more GREATS. Yeah, imagine saying Andersen or Mo Williams name within those and tell me what you get....Exactly. Laughed at. Even Jamison, as good as he is. Crickets. Of course they didn't fucking leave! Why would you leave a STORIED FRANCHISE w/HOF players scattered on the rosters and throughout the organization? An L.A.? A Boston? You make it sound like Cleveland is the mecca or some shit and he is an idiot for leaving.

Oh and if you are a Yankees fan, I don't wanna hear a peep from you. Your team 'buys' stars all the time. Period. You have nothing to say in regards to 'legacies' and such. Baseball somehow survives and others win...@ the this is hurting the NBA.

I see the owner, now that his cash cow is gone, writing letters

Dear Cleveland, All Of Northeast Ohio and Cleveland Cavaliers Supporters Wherever You May Be Tonight;

As you now know, our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier.

This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his "decision" unlike anything ever "witnessed" in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment.

Clearly, this is bitterly disappointing to all of us.
Story continues below

The good news is that the ownership team and the rest of the hard-working, loyal, and driven staff over here at your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor NEVER will betray you.

There is so much more to tell you about the events of the recent past and our more than exciting future. Over the next several days and weeks, we will be communicating much of that to you.

You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal.

You have given so much and deserve so much more.

In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight:


You can take it to the bank.

If you thought we were motivated before tonight to bring the hardware to Cleveland, I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our "motivation" to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels.

Some people think they should go to heaven but NOT have to die to get there.

Sorry, but that's simply not how it works.

This shocking act of disloyalty from our home grown "chosen one" sends the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn. And "who" we would want them to grow-up to become.

But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio.

The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma.

Just watch.

Sleep well, Cleveland.

Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day....

I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:

DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue....

Dan Gilbert
Majority Owner
Cleveland Cavaliers

^^^^^^^^^This is some bitchassedness right here^^^^^^^^^^^^

Can the owner be mad? Sure can. If a player speaks like this, he is fined. Hope Stern takes action...Pull your skirt down Dan. Your slip is showing. He fulfilled his contract. It didn't happen. You will live. You weren't complaining when you drafted him. When he was filling them seats. Who the FUCK WAS WATCHING A CAVS GAME before Lebron came through besides people in Northern Ohio? Exactly. They SURELY weren't playing on Christmas/Easter/ or on King Day. Nobody was buying jerseys out side of people in Ohio. Your pockets would like to have a word with you homie. As for that 'guarantee'? Good luck landing a superstar with any sort of comprehension skills for the next 20 or so years and you better hope 'THE INTERNET' as we know it crashes permanently. 'Cause that letter won't be going anywhere. Humble forced apology or not. ("Cause you know the 'I was wrought with emotions...." apology is coming.) You weren't talking this 'honestly' when you thought you had a shot to get him back. I see you Dan. You are trying to use this outrage to get the fans back 'on your side'. Cute. Stop playing victim though. You are in the business of owning a basketball team. If your dumb ass got 'blindsided' by this it is indeed YOUR FAULT as well. You should KNOW BETTER. This is business.

Yeah, again...I say Lebron. Here is what they think about you. Listen to all your 'basketball' buddies on TNT 'taking shots'. Cats with NO RINGS MIGHT I ADD or who played with GREAT GREAT PLAYERS. Then again, I think you ALREADY knew this. You got to see it when you were becoming a star as a high schooler when you did some things. You saw it after your first year, when you won the ROY. I am sure this is not a surprise to you. For some reason though, there are some fans that feel that you have are not 'reachable'. That EVERYONE LOVES YOU and what you stand for. For whatever reason. Well we know it now. Not everybody loves you. That is for sure.

What do I think about his decision? I like it. Nothing 'cowardly' or bitchy about it. He wants to WIN. He couldn't win there in Cleveland. (Did they win it all? Okay then...) They fired his coach, whom he said he wanted to keep. They tried their best and couldn't get it done. His BOYS want to play with him and are willing to sacrifice parts of their game to build a team. All you cats talking that shit are the same ones who don't play 'apart from your boys', all of who are 'former all state players', college players and the like so I REALLY DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT FROM YOU. @ some of you I know personally. You wasn't talking that 'challenge' shit when it was suggested you play AGAINST YOUR BOYS, even for fun. I don't wanna hear it I wouldn't want to wait 'till my knees were all beat up, I am 32 years old, and have to REALLY be a 'great veteran leader' to some cat's team who is JUST AS BEAT UP AS ME when we could have just did it 7 years ago and been contending for chips.

It would be better to have failed trying than to sit content on some 'People will hate me if I leave..' to me. Hate me. I wouldn't give a damm. What you wouldn't call me is 'ring less'. You play to win the game- Herm Edwards. Right now, the boy is playing to win. We will see if he does though. Don't crown 'em yet. Just don't discount them either. I think more surprises are in store. There is a certain guard that is floating around. Rumored to be retired but wanting to come back. Matter of fact, there are TWO OF THEM. Both are BELOVED in the DMV (DC,Maryland,Virgina)area. One played in the Orlando area for awhile and the other one turned down a contract offer from the Heat in the past. BOTH would be coming back to 'prove something'. With major chips on their shoulders and KNOWING THEY WOULD BOTH NEED TO CHANGE THEIR GAMES. I expect one of them to be down there. Soon. Guesses? Oh you KNOW who I am talking about? You might. I made it pretty easy. It won't happen? Yeah, that is what ya'll said last year about Bosh, Wade and Lebron. See how I did that?


If one of them DOES HAPPEN TO LAND IN MIAMI, I will be a fan. It is WELL KNOWN that this person is my favorite player and I root for him 'till he leaves the game. That is just how it is..Deal with it.



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