I am going to let my man speak for me on this 4th of July issue.

Lot of preaching going on today (I love enlightenment like the rest of the world.) But the beginning of this skit pretty much sums up the day when you have kids and what it would be like. Now mind you, my kids KNOW all of the facts that you guys are spitting out today. So it isn't like they are 'blind to the facts' or just being kept out of the loop. It is just the simple fact that they are kids. They are ALREADY on summer vacation so to them, this is a pretty special day. They get to see fire in the sky and possibly eat out and all that happy stuff sometime this weekend. That's it. If you are an adult, you might get a day off. That's it. There is no more to it. Save the history lesson for later...

Now if you don't want your day off due to some events that happened (and are RECOGNIZED BY THOSE OF US WHO DO WANT TO ENJOY THE DAY) be my guest. What you won't do though is throw them lil darts and digs with your 'knowledge' on some holier than shat. Without getting mud flung back at you. You aren't poppin' that shit the other 330 some days of the year (Minus February when EVERYONE likes to pipe up again about 'the whiteman' and such) and you CERTAINLY aren't trying to do much to change the 'lets play the victim' mentality we are known to have by doing all this crying and whining. Yes, I said we. I am black. I can DO THAT. Sorry if you don't like it. Listen, I understand your intentions. I really do. I respect 'em. You just aren't going to continuously disrespect me with the bullshit when all you are doing is being an 'arm chair activist'. Period. You REALLY DON'T LIKE YOUR DAY OFF? Go volunteer. Go help someone. Better still, go out and take it up picket line while on strike in front of your job and demand to be let back into work if it is that bad. I could respect it more. And don't tell me you don't care if I respect 'cause you are the one beating my ears and font off about what you want me to know. So you have to care about what I think. Or you would have kept quiet from jump. I bet you won't do none of that though. 'Cause it is easier to complain than to do.

I know a lot of you are like "What in the HELL is he talking about?" If you don't know, carry on. As you were. lol




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