This is a two for one. I am going to 'respond' to another blogger and turn you on to his blog.

All in one fell swoop....But I'mma name names. I don't do the whole "I quote you, not say your name and draw you out" thing...So here we go.

You see, earlier today, like many of you did in your barbershops/social media settings/etc/etc, I got into a 'debate' about this whole Lebron thing. I ,admittedly, questioned a quote by friend (and fellow Steeler fan so you know he is pretty passionate too) about a story he cited on Lebron. He cited this story as the reason why "Lebron is so hated" and gave his OPINION on it. I never intended to try to 'change his mind' about it. After all, I am not here for all of that. I just wanted to know. Period. So I asked. We had nice 'discussion' about it. Then we got to this part...

This is my statement to him. Feel free not to agree. I don't give a shit. It is what I said ON TWITTER.

"....You know, if I were still his age, I might hold him to what he says. Being as though at that time I was just pompous enough to think I even 'started' to figure it all out. So yeah, I could see riding him for saying that as a 21 year old as a 20something. Now? Naw...I know he doesn't know everything at that age. I think you do too. You know good cotdamm well that could change. I would expect you not to hold that 'boy' (and make no mistake, he was but a boy then) to that foolish statement. lol *this is regarding the ESPN quote pictured above*"

and this was his response in his blog..

He made the quote just four years ago when he was 20 or 21 years old. We aren't talking about some 17 year old. He's a grown man that can fight for his country, drive a car and drink legally. Why would I not hold him to what he says? When I was 21 if I said something like that I personally wouldn't back down from it. It's not like he wasn't man enough to be the face of a franchise and have his own shoe and clothing line. If you want to be the King this is part of the job as well.

Now you gotta know we weren't blogging and tweeting at the same time so...You do the math. Plus, I got no response to that on Twitter. I wanted one but 'cause I said some key words in my response that I thought would intimate my 'message'. That is my fault. I wasn't clear. So I will point the words out, clarify them a bit and see if my message is 'clearer'.

" I think you do too. You know good cotdamm well that could change. "

What I am trying to say here is this...To imply that one can't change their mind is pretty reckless in itself. Regardless as to what the topic is. That is a pretty toxic statement/inference/whatever word you would like to use here. While on one hand, I get the whole 'Stand by your word.' mantra you are CLEARLY trying to intimate, I am not going to sit here and clap to being 'Wrong, knowing you are wrong, and just saving face for people who ultimately don't give a shit about you....all for the sake of sticking to your word?' No. I stand by that. Why, 'cause I know what that mentality leads to. I have seen that mentality ruin/mess with many a good life. And career too. (Barkley,Coleman,Reggie,you know the suspects..The ringless ones...) That is a personal thing for me on some level. Everybody is not a star (a hustler/killer/drug dealer/player)....and there is no shame in that. Even if you said that was what you wanted to be when you 'didn't know what it took to do it...'. I said what I said 'cause that is how I was looking at it. I didn't think I would REALLY have to break it down for you. That's my fault though. I will speak clearer next time. So it is a little bit bigger than basketball talk for me. I certainly wouldn't promote that in anything I am saying. @ saying you can't change or change your mind. Saying stuff like you are saying says that to me. Maybe you don't mean it that way but that is how I took it. You and anybody else who feels that way. We will all live though. @ disagreeing.

I am going to leave you with some words that you left for me earlier...

A person's opinion of themselves is a peek into their head.

Now you got more than a peek. Hope I was clear enough that time....

Go follow his blog ya'll. He is pretty good. I mean, I read it and responded right? That is all you need to know.


  1. I actually did reply to this: "....You know, if I were still his age, I might hold him to what he says. Being as though at that time I was just pompous enough to think I even 'started' to figure it all out. So yeah, I could see riding him for saying that as a 21 year old as a 20something. Now? Naw...I know he doesn't know everything at that age. I think you do too. You know good cotdamm well that could change. I would expect you not to hold that 'boy' (and make no mistake, he was but a boy then) to that foolish statement. lol"

    right here:

    In response to LeBron changing his mind. I'm disappointed in that. I wasn't mad at that. Maybe I didn't make that clear on twitter, but I thought I cleared it up in the blog. I feel bad for Cleveland. They needed a sports hero and he turned his back on them. That team will go from contender to picking in the top 5 of the lottery and irrelevant in the sports world. For such a great sports town to have NO good teams at all is a shame. Him bringing a title to Cleveland for the 1st time since 1964 would mean 10x more to ME than if he helps Wade bring Miami ANOTHER title every year that they play together.

    People have every right to change their mind or break a promise, but as a result of that you have to deal with the fallout (loss of respect or disappointment). There was no gun to his head. He's not a child, he's a man and this is part of being a man.

    As for thinking that the fans didn't give a shit about him . . . they thought of him and he sold himself to them as one of their own. He wasn't some random kid that they drafted. He actually practiced with the Cavs team while he was in high school and John Lucas was their coach from 2001 to 2003. I think many of the fans did care about him. Not EVERYONE is callous and cold. I think he was very appreciated in Cleveland. He just didn't seem to appreciate Cleveland.

    It seems like where we differ is that the ring is everything to you. Carrying your team to a ring is everything to me or at least die trying. Barkley, Malone, Stockton & Reggie are all players I hold in far higher esteem than a Worthy, Pippen or McHale. Nothing against them, but they are sidekicks who didn't have to deal with being the man or carrying a team, franchise or city.

  2. Actually, it is REALLY interesting that you bring up Charles and that point of view. As I don't look at Charles as a 'loser'/a bum/whatever 'cause he was still a 6'4 (on a good day) post player who WAS DOMINANT. Ring or not. So there, we don't even differ there. On him anyway. He just happened to be going for rings when MJ was around. Who I consider the best to do it. Ever. I know for some, that doesn't make it so though. I can respect that.

    As far as you looking at those players and holding them in a higher esteem, while I don't agree to it as a blanket statement, I can't argue that. That is a pretty valid reason to me honestly. No qualms there.

    My issue was the 'limit' or line at which some people 'to me' are crossing when speaking on the young boy's action. He DEFINITELY is going to have to face some adverse affects of his decision. Some don't will hate it. Especially fans of his former team. Doesn't mean it is open season to just call him names and get silly with it. That is my issue. It is persecution to me at that point. The kind that should be reserved for BP or somebody major like that cop in Oakland. You were pretty tame with it but I have seen it get outta hand pretty quick just by using the viewpoint you have. Actually, that is one of the other reasons it became a post (first being space to respond in Blogger like I said). You said it but at least you didn't attack his mother, cuss him out too bad or just get silly with it.

    The response you said you gave me on Twitter? If that was your response, I won't argue. I felt like I wasn't clear though so this was needed. @ post.





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