I wonder how ya'll would take it if I posted up a teenager rapper who....

didn't rap about drugs, shooting or killing BUT STILL WAS FROM OR HAD TIES TO 'THE HOOD'? Or at least about him doing it? I mean, I am gonna do it ANYWAY but I just wonder?

This is an invitation for you to speak on it..So speak on it.

Something is coming up on him really soon. I am not saying he is the 'next big thing' or that he is the GREATEST but he FAR FROM SUCKS. No matter if the rapper you put him against is 'street credit certified' or not in his age group. I just want to hear from ya'll. Would you ACTUALLY click on and hear his music? I mean, I see enough you complaining about the 'state of rap' so I was just curious. That's all...

Stay on the lookout for him. His name begins with an 'R"...If I can ever get our schedules to mesh. He is a little busy. So am I. We will get it together though....

Oh and P.S....

The positive 'label' down below doesn't necessarily mean he is a 'squeaky clean' kid either. It just means that his music has a positive message in it. He is still a human though and likes to do ALL THE FUN THINGS that a teenager likes to do.


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