Speaking of 'us'...2-0....

I know this is one of the game's we were supposed to 'lose'...Nope. Defense played great. O did decently. Hopefully, Dennis isn't hurt too bad. X-Rays were negative. A win is a win. I'll take it. Troy was....well...TROY.

Oh and we stopped CJ. Which was key...James Harrison was out there looking like he wants to be nominated for DPOY again. My boy Timmons (My favorite Madden player to play with when I am playing with my team.) did the thing too! Seven turnovers!!!

We CANNOT OVERLOOK TAMPA BAY. Josh Freeman is balling. Kellen Winslow would love to beat us. We need the win!

Full highlights..


A lil bad blood eh..Courtland trying to get on that list Hines is on....



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