The one time I am not near a laptop and MC Hammer disses Jay-Z....

If you follow me on Twitter, you know I asked why MC Hammer was all up in my timeline talking about "stans", fanboys and Jay-Z. Calling Jay-Z 'Hellboy' and the like. This is why I was asking...

 Apparently, MC Hammer took offense to the line in "So Appalled" that Jay said...

And Hammer went broke so you know I’m more focused / I lost $30 Mill so I spent another $30 ’cause unlike Hammer $30 Mill can’t hurt me.”
Here is my issue with him 'taking issue'.

First off, he simply stated a true fact. Did he lie? Oh.....Okay...Did he 'have to say it'? NO, Is it the first time Hammer has heard this? NO.

When MC Search and Pete Nice did this......  

"Pop Goes The Weasel"
He didn't say shit....

When a Tribe Called Quest said this....


Now almost 20 years or so later, someone mentions it and it is all out war? Diss songs and all? Yeah, MC Hammer you DO ADMIRE HIM. @ Jay. Remember when you said how you liked how he plays 'chess with the hip-hop game'? Is this your attempt at it? LOL You gotta get on the main board before you can do that. And yes, I KNOW YOU TOUR. I know you are getting 'money' STILL. This isn't about that. This is about a whole TWO generations having to Google your name to see who you are or having to ask their Mother or Father about you and you not being in the game. Or even being in it lyrically enough to EVER bring all of that 'thunder' you are promising.

What are you going to do? Regurgitate what Pac said about him? Steal some Jayo Felony lines? Oh heavens no, you are going to 'ether' him again? (Shoulda never NOT GIVEN YOU NIGGAS A THESAURUS BTW..Ya'll have effectively killed the word for me and it is only being used in reference to an old diss by Nas.) Oh, you are gonna talk about him 'having money'? I mean, we will 'listen' but we probably won't be buying it. @ the whole 'Well you are paying attention to me argument.'.

Look Stanley, (My calling you by your given name is actually a sign of respect so get your thong outta your ass about it.) I ACTUALLY LIKE YOU. I am one of the few people to admit that I have BOUGHT RECORDS OF YOURS FROM THE BEGINNING. (I know plenty of black people did but they have been shamed into not admitting it....) So this isn't about me 'hating' you...This is about you getting all 'upset' (aka using this to get back on) and....Wait a minute....You sly dog...Ya'll are smart....You know what? As you were...I see what is going on You diss him...He halfass responds can't hurt him so you can make a lil bread offa the.....Genius. My bad....

At least that is what this better be......


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