See what you promote when you say what you want to your 'own'...@KingJames..smh This is YA'LL FAULT..

I already know some of you are gonna hide your hands on this shit. On some 'Well he was racist anyway....' type shit. He probably was. Thing is, by some of the venom that YOU (Yes, you , you and you..) spit at him over an employment decision, you made it so that this mofo here thought he could push his agenda. I won't get into 'The Decision' anymore. I did that here already. A couple of times. I just want you guys to see what is being done under the veil of 'your rights to speak on how you feel about what he did'. Hell, some of you of the same color might agree with this fool. Which is the sad part.

Then I saw Kornheiser and Wilbon waxing philosophical about their hate mail. Like Lebron said he is the ONLY ONE WHO GETS HATE MAIL. You two motherfuckers need to shut that shit up. This is coming from a FAN of your show too. Don't get it twisted. I like the show. You're still wrong as two left shoes though. Shit like I am about to post is INEXCUSABLE. Period. By saying what you did tonight on YOUR SHOW, you just basically said it is 'Okay' to do. Really? FOH....I don't care if you get a THOUSAND letters like it a day, it is NEVER OKAY. It was more than one tweet. It was a SERIES OF TWEETS. (I would have blocked him..not sure if Lebron did or not though so I can't speak for him.)

Crazy thing is, the person who said all of this bullshit (along with the other mofos who are running with the Delonte thing, calling Lebron out of his name repeatedly and all that other TOUGH TYPING....) would NEVER SAY THIS TO THAT 6'8 270 POUND MONSTER IF THERE WERE NO CAMERAS AROUND and NO ONE TO SAVE THAT ASS. Mofos would be on their BEST FUCKING BEHAVIOR. 8 times outta 10. Including the ones his size. (I left a portion of the numbers available to the few of you physically capable of probably hanging with him...But all you lil Tupac ass mofos? You'd be quiet. I know you would....)

So congratulations people. You have once again let the racists of the World know that when someone does something they don't like, they can just rail off on one of their INFAMOUS racial rants and all is well. WELL DONE! Don't get mad when they turn that venom on you though. I don't wanna hear it. It was okay when they spoke this type of stuff to Lebron.... I mean, he (Lebron) MADE US WATCH THAT show after all. Nobody remotes worked that night right? Let me stop...I'm making sense again...Lord knows I don't wanna do that.


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