The Foreign Exchange @FEofficial at B.B. Kings/Make Me A Fool (@Jb3Music) & Best Buy In-Store performance (@phontigallo)

Not in that at the long title...and omission of names. @ Nicolay and Darien Brockington.

Maybe She'll Dream of Me- In Store performance...

Thankfully someone recorded portions of the show from an audience point of view. Sure there will be some more high quality footage too.

Blogger's Note:

I have been asked by several folks why I have not reviewed the album Authenticity......I'll tell you this much. It isn't because I DON'T LIKE THE ALBUM. I love it. Undecided on giving one. Have one TYPED UP AND ALL OF THAT. Just not sure if it is my 'place' to give you one. I put the music in front of you, like I am doing now, so I feel like you should have time to decide a bit whether YOU like it or not. Or at least have time to before I put my 'spin' (Lets face it, that what a review is..) on it. So we don't have to go through the 'Am I missing something here?" discussions. I also want to look at this album (and have) from a perspective that it is a body of work that should stand alone. I know it is human nature to 'compare' the output/product/what have you to past projects but you see I have been PAYING ATTENTION to what the team @FEofficial has said. Hell, what Phonte has always harped even as a member of Little Brother. They are always going to try to take things in a DIFFERENT direction. Each project is to stand alone. To paraphrase him a bit...

"I played this album (GetBack) for a friend of mine....she said it was dope....but different...

I said......

NIGGA, THAT'S THE POINT!" -Phonte Coleman at the beginning of "Dreams"...

That statement pretty much summed up why I personally fool with the whole movement. Evolution in their music. As it pertains to their lives and ours. I get that some folks don't 'get' the new album 'cause they may not be in that space in their lives yet. (Or may never get there. Which is okay.) I happen to get it though. I love the album. I also know that if (and when probably since I am saying I have done it now) I do review it, it is MY OPINION and not everyone will share it or agree with it. I have read tons of reviews over there years and I have to say that I am put off by the condescending nature in which they are written. As if there is some 'special' criteria other than ones ears, personal experiences and time used to formulate what is essentially an opinion. Albeit an opinion that if you and the critic are likeminded MAY work out but for the most part doesn't. If I listened to every damm music critic (or didn't seek out music on my own to listen to what they DIDN'T REVIEW) I wouldn't know about HALF TO THREE FOURTHS OF THE ACTS I do now...Which was what I was getting at with that series of questions I posed on Twitter and what I don't LIKE about album critiques and music critics in general. In particular those younger than me telling me about music that I was FULLY GROWN TO EXPERIENCE and understand. I wouldn't dare take the attitude some of you take in regards to my parent's 'music' 'cause quite frankly, I WASN'T THERE... I am hesitant to do a review because I don't want to come across in that manner. Like so many have come across to me. I digress though...Hope you enjoyed the videos.


Oh you thought I wasn't going to speak MY MIND on MY BLOG? FOH....

I may publish it. I may not. I will also say that I have changed 'favorite songs' on this joint at three times since I wrote it, which leads me to believe that a review probably shouldn't be written after the first say...two to six 'forced' listens to begin with for the sake of saying "I reviewed their album". So it may take a minute or two for me to fully settle in on the review I wrote.


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