So we have reached that time of year...The 'Top' MCs/rappers/whathaveyou list...

Or 'car wreck' TV for hip hop heads. You see, every year, I sit and watch people bemoan these lists, yet FLOCK TO THE TV TO WATCH THE RESULTS. Year after year, people IGNORE the criteria that said publications, networks and tv shows set up and somehow get upset because they don't use the 'mythical' standards that one should use when judging who is the hottest/best/whatever.

I guess my question is this. Why DO YOU GIVE A FUCK what ANY OF THESE PUBLICATIONS SAY? Don't say you don't. You have something to say every time one of these lists come out. Usually about the panelist or the outlet. Knowing that you already have went on record as saying said outlet isn't 'shit.' Why? lol

It is clear that they don't use your criteria, which by the way most of you waver on depending on the artist in question. Most of you who rail against the lists ALREADY don't like the artist named on the list NOR THE PUBLICATION/OUTLET that is producing it. It is like waiting around for your arch enemy to announce his 'My favorite people' lists then getting appalled that you somehow miraculously didn't make the list. Really? You don't agree with the little bit of music they DO PLAY.@ the TV stations. You don't agree with the vast majority of the artists they DO FEATURE in their magazines, Oh you thought because your favorite MC SomeShit was in their little 'Cypher' that they were going to change? Ha! Oh you thought because your favorite rapper/producer is a guest 'blogger' for their publication, they were going to put them on their Top List? Stop holding your breath.

Now I know for some of you, it is indeed SPORT. Sorta. At least that is your 'defense'. So I won't go too hard on you. I will just wait for you to 'tire' of doing that and realize what we all eventually did when we continued to watch something we secretly (or not so secretly) loathe. Eventually, you will either learn to stop watching, stop bitching or accept that their list is (gasps) their list and you NOR ANYONE ELSE IS TIED TO IT. I mean, it isn't like 'advertising' where you get 'tricked' into thinking someone is hot.(For the record, I don't believe that shit either but...)  Either you like the shit or you don't. Either dance to it or you don't. Either download the shit or you don't. That's it. We are all grown. We all control the radio/CD/MP3 player in the car at this point. So you can stop the 'It is all I hear everywhere I go' shit. Please.

No manicures on board? Switch your planes- Hov. @ the 'everywhere you go you 'hear' such and such'. Switch where you go....

Bottom line is this. If you think your current playlist of rappers/MCs/whathaveyou is the hottest, you shouldn't be getting upset/bothered/concerned/or any of that about anyone's list. You have your own mind so it shouldn't be taking stock in their list ANYWAY. Oh you are mad at the fact that the 'impressionable' youth will do that? FOH. We were once the 'impressionable' youth. The cats before us who left rap alone weren't exactly with the 'violence, gun and sex' thing we wanted because (gasp) it would lead us RIGHT TO THE ROAD WE ARE ON NOW. Lets REALLY TALK ABOUT IT. Yes, NWA and 'em got on covers with gats. Sure did. They were also 'reporting' what was going on in the hood. Not catching gun charges. Not 'keeping it real' by making sure that they ACTUALLY COMMITTED THE CRIMES. Which some of you LOUDLY demanded out of your artist. Now you want to complain because the shit has come to pass? FOH. @ the 'trash artists' that are dominating now. You had a hand in that. Don't act like that now. Yes YOU. When you shouted 'Wu Tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with' and cosigned those stories in Baltimore, NY and everywhere else they went, hopping on folks. Doing 'what they had to do'. This was during that 'golden era' that we all like to refer to.  A group we also refer to as having some of the sharpest swords lyrically. Yeah, lets talk about that....What did you think was going to happen to the youth that were being raised by this violence? What did you THINK THEY WERE GOING TO TEACH THEIR YOUNG BOYS IN RAP? Huh? You already know that the 'impressionable things' are what the kids see first. @ guns, money, drugs. The 'education' part is ignored.

Furthermore, reading is FUNDAMENTAL. Those list consist of more than ONE THING. You guys LOVE TO harp on what is important to YOU and try to downplay the rest. Take 'sales' for instance. You love to downplay that shit. You can't DO THAT. If ten million mofos bought /downloaded a certain artist's music, whether you think their lyrics are shit or not, they are HOT. Someone, not named you and the thirty people you know, LIKES THEM. Sorry. Not saying you need to LIKE THEM EITHER. You are just in denial if you don't think they belong on a 'hottest' list. The point of being 'hot' is that people LIKE YOU. In abundance. Not a handful. In ABUNDANCE. It counts. These list are using a litany of criteria to take the 'opinion' out of it a bit. Hell, I DON'T LISTEN to half of the artists on ANY OF YOUR LISTS. Underground or not. I can respect that it is your list though. Half of the mainstream rappers, who rap about all the pussy they get, how many haters they have and that imaginary 'Nigga Heavyweight Championship of the World Belt' they have and half of these 'so-called' great lyricists you guys worship who rap about skateboards, cartoons, how many cats they have eaten up in a battle and their perceived 'superior grasp of the English language just because they rap don't do shit for me either! I don't shit on your list though. Why? 'Cause those rappers move you in a certain way. That's why. Who am I to tell you what moves you in what way? @ the insulting of some one's list. It is the VERY REASON I DON'T MAKE 'EM thought. If you ASK ME, who I like, I will tell you. I don't act like my list is the end all be all though. Neither do those making the 'public' list either actually. That is 'ya'll' acting like that. You can HAVE YOUR OWN LIST AND IT WILL BE  AIGHT. Trust

Pick up the remote and turn the channel ya'll. You are killing yourself slow...@ watching something that you will never agree with again.

This is discussion kinda leads me into another subject that I want to discuss...MUSIC CRITICS. I have asked what the credentials are for one to be considered one and the like and have been promised some responses. I am awaiting those responses 'cause I want to TALK ABOUT THAT NEXT....I can't wait for that. I have a lot to say about that subject...smh


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