Charles Barkley says America doesn't care about the Miami

That's a lie Chuck. I love you like a brother Chuck but that's a lie. I see it all over Twitter, Facebook and in the streets. Very few people like the Heat outside of Miami. Or at least will admit it. Oh that's right, you don't do social networks so you don't Sharp website by the way Chuck. Seriously.

Look ya'll, Charles Barkley was one of my favorite PEOPLE growing up. He still is actually. But he is wrong here.

Now I won't take it as far as Ochocinco did in his tweet..(Oh that is gonna make someone's show for sure. I am lazy, I don't feel like putting it up here..) and say Bosh is better than Charles ever was though. That is a blatant untruth. Chuck would punish Bosh. All day.


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