Whoa..whoa..the NFL needs what Roger GODdell? @ stadiums and his 'status quo' rhetoric..

Someone PLEASE tell me this man doesn't expect me to BELIEVE THIS SHIT HERE?

The status quo means failing to recognize the many costs of financing, building, maintaining and operating stadiums. We need new stadiums in Los Angeles, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Oakland and San Diego; and the ability for more league investment in new technology to improve service to fans in stadiums and at home.


Yeah Roger? REALLY? Someone in Oakland get at me and tell me about the condition of your stadium please. Ditto the other places. WAIT LOS ANGELES? Is there even a TEAM IN LOS ANGELES? (I know the answer.) Whoa....

But you idiots wanna keep blaming THE PLAYERS. Yeah...So everyone is supposed to basically have a 'Jerry's World'? Is that it Roger?

Companies with far more revenue than the NFL have gone bankrupt because they mismanaged their costs and failed to address their problems before they became a crisis. The NFL has a track record over many decades of making good decisions that have led to unprecedented popularity. Negotiating a fair agreement will result in billions in pay and benefits to current players, improved benefits for retired players, and a sustainable business model for our teams.

Good one Roger! Bring the 'other' companies that MAKE more money than you do angle into it. That's it. Make it sound like you guys didn't enjoy YOUR BEST YEAR YET as far as making money. Sure.

The union has repeatedly said that it hasn’t asked for anything more and literally wants to continue playing under the existing agreement. That clearly indicates the deal has moved too far in favor of one side. Even the union’s president knows this — as he said on national radio on January 27: “I think what really happened is in 2006 we got such a great deal. I mean, the players got a good deal and the owners felt they got it handed to them.”

Oh so this is why you did those deals with the Networks in that way. Because of what the Union President said on JANUARY 27TH OF THIS YEAR. Allow me to point out though that YOU RECONSTRUCTING THOSE TV DEALS TWO YEARS AGO ROGER. So while your 'We got screwed and they know it' argument sounds REAL GOOD it doesn't excuse what happened in regards to that. You probably wouldn't have even bought that up if Doty hadn't ruled like he did. 'Cause you ALREADY had it planned out how you were gonna even that up.....@ this planned locked out. Real cute though. 

Hit the link up top if you want to read Roger's letter....


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