Dear C-Span- You have too many black callers on the C-Span Republican line..

Now, you know, I am guessing a lot of you who are of an ethnic makeup (trying to find a nice word for 'white' bear with your boy. Please.) may not know of a lot of 'black tea baggers' or Republicans. I happen to know SEVERAL. I have EVEN POSTED ONE OF THEM UP HERE as a 'Twitter Person of the Week'. So maybe for some of you, what he is saying makes sense. He needs to get the hell out more though.

"You should change your name from C-Span to Black Span.....Every one of them thinks Obama is Jesus Christ...I didn't hear any of this when Bush was in office.....All they did was complain about Bush..."He lies...He lies'"- yt caller from North Carolina. (Record scratch)

Find the contradiction in this clip. It sticks out like one of them damm Paw Prints off of Blues Clues.



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