The more you learn not to live your life seeking the approval of others that don't matter or care about you, the easier life gets....

I put that as my Facebook status this morning (as some of you who are friends with me there know) but I thought I would elaborate on it a little more. I am probably gonna piss at least one of you off. I don't care. I'mma let you know that right now. There is a 99% chance that neither one of us are doing ANYTHING for each other so if you stop fooling with me behind this little blog post, you should already know what you can do. Yes, it is like that. For real.

Let me first address the cynics, as you guys need to be cut off at the pass. Of course in certain situations, 'approval' is a MUST. On the job. While growing up in some one's household. In certain relationships. I am NOT TALKING ABOUT THOSE THINGS. You know I am not talking about those things too but since the 'truth' always gets questioned, let me just head you off at the pass.

You know DAMM WELL what I am talking about. I am talking about this 'need' that we have to be accepted and the UNHEALTHY habits it causes us to pick up as we go along. Obviously, NO ONE wants to be disliked. I get that. You can't be out there on some 'nut shit' but the lengths I see people go through to be 'accepted' are just plain fucking silly. Cats acting tough for NO REASON. Running to be like those that who like to fight, like to 'slang', or some other criminal activity JUST TO BE DOWN. Idiotic. Acting poorer than they really are so that they can be accepted. Acting richer than they really are, SO THEY CAN BE ACCEPTED. What the hell? Nigga we are 30 SOME (AND OLDER) YEARS OLD! Why are you getting into pissing contests with people who don't give a shit about you??? I am not even talking about just 'strangers' either. I am talking about those people you are 'running with'. Yes, THEM. They don't give a shit about you. You see how they treat your other 'friends' when they aren't around don't you? Well don't you? Run their name in the ground. Tell their business. Mock them. Entice them to do more fucked up shit so that they can MAKE FUN OF THEM SOME MORE. All the while not improving themselves. You never noticed that?

Here you are TRYING TO IMPRESS THEM THOUGH. Sacrificing relationships with the people that actually do give a shit about you for some people that don't have your best interest at heart and never did. Hell, selling YOURSELF short all in the name of acceptance. Soon as you don't have 'XYZ' or you don't 'stroke their ego' THOSE FOLKS DISAPPEAR. I don't have to name names or give examples. I KNOW you have seen it happen. Some of you have had it happen TO YOU. It was just that nobody had the nuts to tell you. I had someone who had the nuts to tell me though. Actually a couple of people. They helped me stop struggling with letting people go, not caring what people thought about 'xyz' decision I made, how I choose to live my live and more importantly who I chose to associate with as I have lived my life. It was hard though due to the overall popular belief that one is measured by how they are 'accepted' by others. That whole thought process is a sham though as we can see. Just look at what happens to people in the public eye the minute someone finds out you are 'human'. Cats drop 'em like a hot potato even though they are just as 'human'. So obviously, being 'accepted' isn't all it is cracked up to be. I am happy just being me thank you. Accept me if you want, diss me if you don't and don't worry if you do the latter 'cause I am not even concerned with what it is you do over there.

I am sure some of you will will say 'Well, it seems like you have pretty much always been like that." Maybe. There were some areas that I needed to improve on and let me tell ya. Shit got SO MUCH EASIER after I made these improvements. I promise it did. I just realized one day who cared and who didn't. I don't miss nary one of those people that didn't. Sure, I SEE 'EM. We speak. Cordial. But I don't miss them. At all. Don't miss the drama that always ensued. Don't miss the bullshit and I damm sure don't miss having to worry about 'looking silly in front of them' over shit that they were failing miserably at too! That last one was big. Instead of helping each other, they would clown each other and try to bring each other down. I didn't want to be a party to that anymore. We weren't doing each other any good by hanging around each other. I didn't particularly care about them (although I like to think my surface 'caring' is more than some people's actual caring but I digress.) and I KNOW THEY DIDN'T CARE ABOUT ME. So why fake it? Fuck that.

Girls, ya'll have 'em too. Don't think this is a 'guy' thing. It isn't. Most of yours are disguised as 'Lets go out and drink/get dudes/be diva partners'.....Another post..another time perhaps. lol I know I gave some things up top that were 'male' related so I just wanted to be clear here.

I am telling YOU..Let that shit go fam. Every last one of those that are passing judgment on you, only like you for the whip you pushing, the gals around you, or that 'star' quality you bring are only there for themselves and they all have shit with them. Hence the reason why they try to shine the light ON YOU and your fortunes AND MISGIVINGS and OFF OF THEMSELVES. Never thought about it like that huh? Now is the time.....

I was moved to write this on this morning so don't shoot the messenger. I just bought the message to you. It was meant for you to see so if I were you, I wouldn't just sit on the information. I would do something about it. No, this isn't the movies so I don't suggest that you go off and start telling people off or anything. Just do what you have to do. Those that are doing these things I spoke about will know why you are doing what you are doing. They won't say much. They can't. They will know the jig is up. You will feel better for it. Trust me. All they are going to do is what they HAVE BEEN DOING. Talk about you to others that don't care about you and not keep your best interest at heart. . As my Mother says, "Well, people talked about Jesus you know that they will talk about you. Pay 'em no mind.."

Again, if it bothers you that I speak 'broadly' about how I feel, you know what you can do...I don't have to feed into the 'ways of the World' and say shit your way. I say it mine. You got the fucking point didn't you? Okay then...


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