Regardless of which side of the Health Care issue you stand on..Shot fired at Eric Cantor's office..

No one should be subjected to racial slurs (nor having stupid ass politicians co-signing said behavior)nor should bullets be flying. While I will say that it was MIGHTY stupid of the Repubs who 'condoned' the behavior via their 'comments' in the videos, I still don't see this as a good thing. @ bullet in Cantor's office.

I mean, last I checked, guns were readily available so to call people to arms as if only one side had access to any weapon is absurd. Especially over HEALTH CARE REFORM. Where was this call to arms (or action if you want to be cute and say he 'never said THAT') when we were spending money on other shit? Oh that is right, it was YOUR PARTY that was doing the spending.

I am not sure if those loose lipped mofos up there in Washington that rep these states have ever really been 'out in the field' but is real out here. Someone is gonna get hurt. Then what are we gonna do? It could get worse before it gets better is the 'bush league' tactics don't stop. Mess around and get people involved in this that could care EITHER WAY about who is right and who is wrong and just want to see bloodshed. Like whoever did this....

Richmond police are investigating a shot fired at U.S. Rep. Eric Cantor's downtown office on Main Street early Tuesday when no one was in the building.

A police statement this afternoon said that a preliminary investigation shows that a bullet struck a window, landing on the floor about a foot from the window. The round struck with enough force to break the window but did not penetrate the blinds.

Cantor's office is in a small building several blocks from the heart of downtown, near the historic Jefferson Hotel. It has several small offices in it, of which Cantor's is one.There are no Cantor signs on the doors or windows.

Various Republican candidates have occupied the offices in the historic Reagan Building through the years, including former governor Jim Gilmore.

At a news conference earlier today, Cantor angrily lashed out at Democratic leaders for their handling of reported threats against members of Congress.

"I've received threats since I assumed elected office, not only because of my position but also because I'm Jewish,'' he said. "I've never blamed anyone in this body for that, period. Any suggestion that a leader in this body would incite threats or acts against other members is akin to saying that I would endanger myself, my wife or my children."

Cantor said at the news conference that his office was shot at and he has received threatening e-mails, but it is unclear whether he reported the incidents to police immediately. Calls to Cantor's Capitol Hill office were not immediately returned this afternoon.

Currently there are no suspects in the case, and it is unclear whether the bullet was targeted at the office or simply landed there at random. Police say a single detective is assigned to investigate the incident.


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