Oh boy. My team is just acting an out and out ass here lately...Steelers

First Ben. I don't need to rehash 'cause you know the story. Now this super genius Santonio Holmes wants to RE-ENTER the fray. (That is a hint that this is not his first time at the rodeo called "I'm an NFL player let me see how much shit I can get into before the season starts..." In no way am I suggesting that people should just be home doing nothing. NO! Have fun. Get your groupies (with CONSENT!) AND ALL OF THAT. This shit here though? No. Just no. Have her put out and be done with it. The time has long passed that the 'money maker' has to go around doing his own bidding. Especially when it comes to dealing with women. Get your girl cousins or something to get her up outta VIP. I mean, I hope the story is wrong as two left shoes. Somehow though, I am thinking that is not going to be the case...

So you get mad at a chick and throw a drink on her? I thought that was a 'girl thing'? I am hoping that part ALONE isn't true. Then the whispers I am hearing about him 'not being arrestable 'cause he is an NFL football player'? Oh REALLY? Tell that to Mike Vick then...Or Chris Henry (R.I.P) and the countless others....Come on Smoove, give me SOMETHING! Tell me you at least didn't throw the drink on the gal...

Now all we need is for Hines the crackback his Limo driver or some shit and we will be cooking with gas...@ all the incidents. Come on fellas. Take that shit out on the field. @ all the displaced anger and aggression.


PITTSBURGH — The Steelers have another off-the-field distraction, courtesy of a high-profile player whose four-year pro career has been checkered with legal problems.

Wide receiver Santonio Holmes is being sued by a woman from Florida for alleged battery, assault and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

According to the lawsuit, filed last week, Anshonoe Mills claims Holmes grabbed her face in an Orlando nightclub called “Rain” and then threw a glass filled with an alcoholic beverage at her face, cutting the woman’s eye in the process.

The lawsuit also claims that Holmes and a police officer at the scene pressured the woman to not file charges.

Mills is seeking more than $15,000 in damages.

The alleged incident was in a VIP section of the nightclub on March 7, two days after a 20-year-old college student from Georgia filed a sexual assault complaint against Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger.

Steelers spokesman Dave Lockett offered the obligatory “no comment” statement regarding the lawsuit filed against Holmes by saying, “We’re gathering information and have no further comment at this time.”

The lawsuit filed against Holmes marks the fourth time he’s made news for off-the-field incidents.

In May 2006, he was arrested in Miami Beach, Fla., on a disorderly-conduct complaint. Charges were later dropped.

In June 2006, Holmes was arrested in Columbus, Ohio, on charges of domestic violence and assault. Those charges were also dropped.

In October 2008, Holmes was arrested in Pittsburgh and charged by police with possession of marijuana. That charge, too, was dropped.

In addition to those charges, right before Super Bowl XLIII in 2009, Holmes admitted that he sold drugs as a teenager when he lived in Belle Glade, Fla.

Holmes, who turned 26 on March 3, was the Steelers’ first-round pick in the 2006 NFL Draft. He was named the Most Valuable Player in Super Bowl XLIII after catching the winning touchdown in a 27-23 win over the Arizona Cardinals.


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