NCAA....I don't know who the f#ck you think you are fooling....Reggie Bush gives back trophy.

I am pretty sure I won't be alone in the following sentiments. I am also PRETTY SURE THAT I WILL BE OPPOSED. I don't give a shit really. First, Reggie's statement.

For Immediate Release: September 14, 2010

One of the greatest honors of my life was winning the Heisman Trophy in 2005. For me, it was a dream come true.

But I know that the Heisman is not mine alone. Far from it. I know that my victory was made possible by the discipline and hard work of my teammates, the steady guidance of my coaches, the inspiration of the fans, and the unconditional love of my family and friends. And I know that any young man fortunate enough to win the Heisman enters into a family of sorts. Each individual carries the legacy of the award and each one is entrusted with its good name.

It is for these reasons that I have made the difficult decision to forfeit my title as Heisman winner of 2005. The persistent media speculation regarding allegations dating back to my years at USC has been both painful and distracting. In no way should the storm around these allegations reflect in any way on the dignity of this award, nor on any other institutions or individuals. Nor should it distract from outstanding performances and hard-earned achievements either in the past, present or future.

For the rest of my days, I will continue to strive to demonstrate through my actions and words that I was deserving of the confidence placed in me by the Heisman Trophy Trust. I would like to begin in this effort by turning a negative situation into a positive one by working with the Trustees to establish an educational program which will assist student-athletes and their families avoid some of the mistakes that I made. I am determined to view this event as an opportunity to help others and to advance the values and mission of the Heisman Trophy Trust.

I will forever appreciate the honor bestowed upon me as a winner of the Heisman. While this decision is heart-breaking, I find solace in knowing that the award was made possible by the support and love of so many. Those are gifts that can never be taken away.

Okay, he gave it back. Doesn't matter if I would do it, you would have done it or anything. It is done. Sure he has a replica though. Even if he DOESN'T, we know he won it on the FIELD. Period.

I am personally INSULTED AS A FAN that the NCAA WOULD HAVE THE FUCKING NERVE to think investigating him, forcing him to give it back or THEM ACTING CONCERNED ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED and thus relieving him his trophy could somehow ERASE my memory banks. I saw it. We saw it. Erasing their little 'record' books means shit. Seriously. All of them kids are IN BETWEEN A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE FOR THOSE YEARS THAT THEY ARE ON THAT CAMPUS. In ALL SPORTS. From the walk ons to the stars. It has been going on..

Check the files..Do your research.

Let me help you if you don't think so...

Stacy Augmon and Larry Johnson..

They both had 30k cars. In SCHOOL. Neither came from money. SI DID A DAMM STORY ON THEM. TALKED ABOUT THE CARS IN THE STORY. I have the issue somewhere in my Momma's basement. Hope I can find it 'cause they took pics WITH THEIR CARS. I could go on and on about how the players are getting that money. As they should. They made UNLV a household name on the EAST COAST. We weren't talking about them, buying merchandise and the like before they came along. Making the University BIG TIME MONEY.

I can flip it too. I can go on and on about the non star players who had to 'hustle' in school to keep FOOD. Get back home! Hell, just live. So it swings both ways. They can't work. They have strict guidelines. It isn't as 'easy' as some think it is. Yes, they get 'help' in school but the football thing is a 'like a job'. And they are getting below minimum wage for it. Even WITH GETTING 'free education'. (As we have seen, some aren't even getting that @ those who leave school unable to read, write or do basic math.)

The NCAA is KILLING ME with this 'We didn't know' shit...YOU KNOW! Stop lying. Please. You are insulting us.

As for those of you who are harping on the 'he was old enough to know better' shit. Stop it 5. You are the same folks who want people to 'mentor' the youth that are tattooing themselves on their faces, shooting each other and the other REAL DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIORS who are the SAME AGE AS REGGIE WAS WHEN HE MADE THE DECISION TO TAKE THOSE THINGS. You don't pull that card with those folks. Matter of fact, you hit people like me with all TYPES OF BULLSHIT EXCUSES as to why it is basically okay for them to do it or why I should be sympathetic to it FULLY. (Not that I am not UNDERSTANDING to people's plight. I am.) Miss me with that shit. Young adult. Remember? Still needs to grow. Remember? Coming into adulthood. Remember. That is what COLLEGE (or that time period for any young adult PERIOD) is all about. Making mistakes and learning from them. I also will say, that house or any of the other stuff didn't make him cut homie up like a bag of dope on that one did it?

And I am one of those people who said that he WOULDN'T BE A GREAT PLAYER IN THE NFL EITHER. So this is not me being a homer. This is just me speaking on what I think is only right.


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