Reduction of Ben's suspension to four games...

I don't have to link it. You have read it. Heard about it. Lets just get right to the point (s).

First off, he DESERVES to miss some games. If not just for sheer stupidity of repeating the same offense over again or even getting in a situation like that. He is a GROWN man so he shouldn't be shooting crabs in a bucket unless they are out of the bucket. @ going to that bar that night AND ACTING THAT WAY. So lets get that out of the way. @ his actions. So I am not MAD he is missing games. He should be. Absolutely. The guidelines were set though. He met them. You were a fool if you didn't pay attention and believe he would get the lesser of the two....

Anytime any COMMISSIONER says a player can be suspended from xyz amount of games to zyx amount of games, the chances are HIGH that the higher number will not be used if the player stays out of trouble and follows ALL of the procedures and guidelines laid out for them. Not SOME OF THEM. Not the ones he FEELS LIKE FOLLOWING. All of THEM. To the letter. Ben did that. Reason number one why you shouldn't be 'upset'. All the other times that you are going to cite where that 'didn't' happen, someone broke one of the rules along the way. So even though they got the 'major' sticking points down, they didn't complete all the tasks. So they got the bigger punishment. When you are on your 'last strike', you have to act like it. Even if you don't mean it. Many don't. Ben did. (Whether he is sincere or not to you is a subject I won't broach.)

He is still MISSING GAMES. I think that is what is lost on some of you. Yes, PLAYERS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED FOR WHOLE SEASONS based on an incident. That usually only happens though when they have been DISCIPLINED before for said incidents or they are NUMEROUS (TEN for the first person you are gonna blurt out...Adam 'Pacman' Jones) We have had players on trial FOR MURDER that got to play. Off season incidents that got them CHARGES. (Ray Lewis). Like Ben did, he admitted 'poor judgment' in the situation and got fined HEAVILY but MISSED NO GAMES. Not a one. A lot of you have forgotten that too btw. I didn't. I hold no malice towards Ray either. He is a great player. I also know he was involved in a bad situation. Someone died. He was involved. He has since NOT INVOLVED himself in those situations.

It is racial? See the above paragraph and then get back to me. Stop trying to blame this on race. It is TWO GAMES PEOPLE. You guys are acting like he isn't 'suspended' for ANY GAMES. Don't let your 'fandom' have you pulling out cards that don't need to be played.


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