Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Week- Tam Berry

When I started this I told you that it wouldn't be full of 'models' and whatnot. I have kept my promise too. All types of 'regular' folk have been featured here and will continue to be featured. This week's though is a little more 'known'.

Why does she get a shoutout? Can you believe it is just as simple as her actually FOLLOWING BACK? Yes, that simple gesture did it. Not a tweet. Not a 'Thank you for..(insert compliment). A follow back. That spoke volumes. Doesn't make us best Twitter friends (We haven't even tweeted each other or no shit like that. It just said, "Let me see what this person is all about.." Tons of gals have pictures up. Not a ONE OF THEM follows back 'regular folk' that they don't already know. Yes, they do TWEET BACK TO REGULAR FOLK but not one that I know follows back. I am not saying she will FOLLOW YOU EITHER. Hell, I might get cut tomorrow. But at least she took the time...Then again she is friends with Maliah Michele so....

Tam Berry ya'll....

If you are at work, either scroll through quickly or just wait 'till you get home. Clothing is on. Just not that much of it...



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