(Grown Folks Talk/guest blogger) Now a word from @MichelleRoaya that we could all stand to hear.

I find myself lately asking if the statement

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" even means anything to the human race anymore.

Innocent young men and women being killed, raped, assaulted, beaten,
and authority being abused by our government and justice system. The same people we vote in to uphold and keep the laws of the land are the ones who hold themselves above others.

Until recently I was truly numb to killing and injustices because it has become the "American way". The cases of Trayvon and Shaima made me stop and throw my hands up and ask God, "Where have we gone wrong?"

I sat quietly and was reminded that being kind to everything and considerate to others is essential to our progression .

We need to be happy when others have success and learn to sympathize when others suffer.  We are suppose to provide the basic essential needs for the daily living of a person yet we see poverty on our front doorstep.

"Where have we gone wrong"
We are to speak life, motivate, encourage and laugh with each other. Not boast and brag of your own accomplishments, and praise yourself.

It may seem like evil is winning but I was reminded stay the course and continue to love in the face of evil.
Remember to give as your cup is filled, God can't fill a cup already filled. You get back what you give out. If you're blessed, bless others.believe in something bigger than yourself, love others, smile and don't allow yourself to be changed by the dramas of the world.

God is love- the only thing that keeps me pushing on


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