(Video/Words) Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead full movie on Hulu now./ the last 6 months for me..

You should watch the video. Not saying you should 'do EXACTLY what they did..." or anything. I just think it is informative. Maybe even inspiring. I know that 'juicing' (or even detoxing in other forms) isn't something that one can do FOREVER but I can tell you that it can kick start your drive towards getting healthy. I didn't go all out with it. As a matter of fact, it was an ACCIDENT that I did it. Someone in my household just happened to start making juices and I happened to be fasting for blood work. Drank some after the fast, felt great, and when I got those test results back, DECIDED THAT ONE WAY OR THE OTHER, the ingredients in that 'juice' I was drinking needed to be consumed (along with some other fruits and veggies) So far, so good. @ both forms. Weight loss. Definition coming back. More energy NOW. At first though, it was ROUGH. Just like they said in the video. Stick with it though. It has slowly gotten better for me and the results are coming through.

The actual fruits and vegetables (in juice form or not), are probably something that I KNEW I should been eating. I think we all know this actually. Sometimes though, we need a push. Maybe it was a test result like it was for me. Or a video like this one below that gives folks that boost. I've eaten this way before but not like I am doing it now. For almost 4 weeks now, I have REALLY made an effort to do so EVERY DAY. Feeling much better. Very interested to see the test results in a two more weeks. (If they are dramatic, I may even share 'em here. Maybe they will help folks.) While I am in better physical shape than both of the gentleman in the doc,  I can say that some of their numbers, due to heredity and race, were equal to my own. So I kinda of identified with their need to do something drastic or risk being a slave to the drugs that their doctor prescribed. (I'm not on any yet but my doctor threatened it. Very sobering. Got my ass in gear REAL QUICK too...) I had picked up some REALLY BAD HABITS due to my mind being on other things. Eating in the wrong places FAR TOO OFTEN. Not going to the doctor to take care of nagging colds/sinus infections and allowing that to affect my breathing for no reason, which in turn, meant SHORTER WORKOUTS (or no workout if I didn't really 'feel like it'). Found it very hard to make it 'all the way back to where I was'. OH, I would try. Just didn't happen. Didn't see it was some of those 'food habits' I had picked up. All types of things that were just....well...MY FAULT. Worrying about my own immortality due to my Dad's death but NOT DOING NEARLY ENOUGH TO MAKE SURE THAT I COULD STICK AROUND to be quite blunt about it. Clearly, a change was in order. So I made it. It is a process. Always has been though, looking back at it. Always will be. At least for me. Can't speak for anyone else. It isn't even that I am (or was) fat. I'm not. Never have been. That's not the issue. The issue is whether I am 'healthy'. In February, I was not healthy. As I sit here and type today, I am MUCH MORE HEALTHIER now.

 The video I am asking you to watch (If you have never seen it that is...):

You know how sometimes you get information at JUST THE RIGHT TIME? I feel like this video popped up for me in that fashion a month ago. Again, I know their cases were EXTREME. Maybe that's what it takes sometimes though. Make sure you watch it 'till the end. Joe makes SURE HE STATES that he believes in 'treats'. I took that to mean he STILL ENJOYS good food from time to time. Lifestyle changes have to be done in some form of moderation, something I personally am working on. I would never say that all the foods I enjoy are NEVER GOING TO BE EATEN AGAIN. @ me. Nope. That would be unrealistic as hell. What I will say is that I know that some of what I eat can't be eaten every other day. Or even in some cases, every week. That damm 'm' word... You have to find it for you. @ moderation. I'll let you know when I finally get there as I am SLOWLY introducing foods that I love back in the rotation. LOL

Anyway...enjoy the WHOLE FILM FOR A LIMITED TIME ON HULU. Not the trailer. The WHOLE FILM. I just watched it myself...again..** Very inspiring to me.

*My BP is actually normal now. Got that under control in a few days of getting meds for a sinus infection but believe me, IT WAS HIGH. Definitely don't want it that high EVER again..

**I just shed some light in this post if you KNOW ME PERSONALLY and if I have hinted to you about my 'health' the last month or so. You should listen to the context clues. All your questions are answered.


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