(Mixtape/Audio/Observation) @McNyce X Diary of Casanova

 Here's the video for "Lie To Me" ft. @MsPhayy as the lead girl.

Read the title. I mean I am going to say off top, if you need your hip hop 'gritty' with folks getting shot all the time, this ISN'T FOR YOU. Which also means I'd probably dismiss any of your thoughts on his SKILLS anyway as you aren't using your ears properly. He can rap.* More importantly, he seems to know how to construct AN ACTUAL SONG. As you know, many folks can rap but can't make a song to save their lives. He shows that on an intermediate level, he can do that. (For those of you who failed English that means that he is pretty good and there is room for him to get better.)

I can see the lane where this fits. The producer with the most tracks, 28 Gramz, LACED this cat with some fire. He is the standout producer on this joint to me. I did enjoy the others beats as well though. Normally, there is usually a beat or two on a joint like this where I am like "Eh....". Not the case. Consider that a win. @ any of you who actually get to read this. Nobody put up a brick. Trust me, it happens. Sometimes, a song can be 'hot'/unique/different/whatever when you are in the studio but not go with the premise and theme of the project you are putting together, thus making it sound out of place. Happens to the best of 'em..

If I had to pick a favorite track it would be "Make You Smile". Flow and beat are a perfect match. Subject matter was pretty candid too. Cats will be able to relate to it if they aren't out here on their fake 'pimp shit'/'We Don't Love These Hoes' shit..Very dope track. I could see some gal playing this hoping her man would say something similar to her.

This joint is pretty solid. There is room for improvement but I would give this a solid rating if I had a 'ratings' system. I do not at this time. I just put up things that I think folks would dig.** I think that most young folks would actually dig this joint. He is touching on some subjects that they could relate to and his flow consistently tight. I fucks with it. Give the young man a listen and some time to perfect his craft ya'll. Give him some feedback too. I'm sure he would appreciate it.

*When I say a person can rap, it isn't a AUTOMATIC PASS TO THEM BEING THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME. Stop reaching fam. For real. Credit where credit is due. The boy can put words together. Period. That's all I am saying.

** Even if I don't love all of it. This


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