(Words) I support justice for Trayvon Martin but I don't support the lack of outrage when we do it to ourselves...

If you have noticed, I have been REALLY QUIET about the incident in Florida on the blog. Yeah, I put the Heat pic up (Dope touch by them btw..and hats off to the Florida boy Stoudamire for his hooded look too. He knows all about that area..) but that's about it. I was just watching. I DID SIGN THE PETITION and I have been following though. I DO SUPPORT JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON AND I HOPE HIS FAMILY GETS THE CLOSURE THEY NEED.

What I won't do is act like everything ya'll are out here saying and doing 'in the name of Trayvon Martin is correct..Nope.

Here are some of the things bother me about this WHOLE ISSUE as far as how I see it being handled/discussed/carried forward to folks..:

One is that ya'll are ready and willing to go at least 'entertain' the idea of hurting HIS KILLER but you won't BREATH A WORD ABOUT THOSE THAT HUNT DOWN AND KILL INNOCENT FOLKS (CHILDREN) THAT LIVE AMONGST YOU. That's my issue. I saw his address float by on my TL. That's cool. Ya'll going down there though? Didnd't think so. Oh...I understand, you live among them so that is why you won't say anything. Understand I also know that because you won't do anything about those who you can get access to, you won't be out here doing anything about Trayvon's killer either. Remember, he SHOT SOMEONE and killed them. He is 'not a suspect' so that means he is STILL A LEGAL GUN OWNER. I know ya'll are emotional out here but stop acting like those who aren't saying 'They would kill him..' aren't as passionate as you. You are selling wolf tickets fam. You aren't doing shit. Stop it. You are going to put your hoodie on, march for the next couple of weeks, sign a petition and MAYBE talk about it through the next 'big thing' that happens. That's about it. So stop saying you would or will.. Which leads me to #2...

 I don't see any of the folks who have 'shooters on deck' making any trips down to I-4 (or (I-75 depending on where you are coming from) to 'handle this'. Not that doing so would be 'correct' but yeah... I know that is what some of you are saying about the lack of 'involvement' by the rappers there but I don't know enough about 'what they haven't done' to know if they didn't speak out about it...Clearly, if they put the plans in motion that I am speaking about, THEY CAN'T SAY THAT so I don't expect some declaration in that fashion. I actually do expect it though from those 'regular cats who claim they don't give a fuck about the cops or anything.." I'd like to know where they are... (Don't answer that. I already know..It was a rhetorical question..)

Then there is the fact that some of you....and this really makes me look at you funny, get behind a cause and become TOTALLY BLIND TO ANY OTHER ISSUES AND START CONDONING BEHAVIOR THAT HAS  NOTHING TO DO WTIH WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED IN THIS CASE... Example: 

"I don't care if he ROBBED AND KILLED HIS MOTHER...Trayvon should not have been touched..." 

Really? Really??? I mean, I know you want to be right and all and maybe this is your first time 'standing up for what is right' and shit but this shit here? This 'slipping in other niggerish shit so when it comes up, there can be a tolerance for it and it can be excused' shit here? No. Cut that shit out. No place for it. Stick to the facts. The facts are that TRAYVON DIDN'T DO ANYTHING and got killed. Don't try to make a case for your 'fucked up cousin' who went on a rampage and shot ten people and then the cops shot him outta this case. Stop that. I see you out there. The two situations have NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER. I've seen a lot of this in the past couple of days. Yes, I know where it is coming from. No, it doesn't make it right. I don't care WHO YOU ARE SAYING. You are wrong. Your 'man and 'em' were not on the side of RIGHT. Trayvon was. The end.

'The Why Didn't Obama Speak Sooner' Contingent: 

I don't know how many times I have to tell you folks who 'claim you know how the government works' how THIS WORKS. He is not YOU. Matter of fact, HE OUT OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD KNOW THAT HE CAN'T TRUST 'WHAT HE IS HEARING ON THE NEWS' CAUSE THEY CAN'T GET THE SHIT RIGHT ABOUT WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM.. So while yes, 'information was out there about what was happening', he can't go around making 'uninformed' statements with 3/4ths of the facts at his disposal, where 1/3 of if it speculation like you can. He just can't. He has to find out ALL THE INFORMATION, PROCESS IT, THEN MAKE AN INFORMED AND POLITICALLY CORRECT STATEMENT. He can't go 'off the cuff. Stop acting like he is you. He isn't. Not only that, he can't get 'involved' in EVERY CASE. He just can't. You'd be mad if his ass came in and got involved in your BELOVED neighborhood 'D Boy's Rico case now wouldn't you? Lie to me and say you wouldn't? You'd be on that 'He is over stepping his bounds..Doesn't he have another country to save? and all that other bullshit. I never doubted he was going to speak, as some of you did. He is in a different position than ANY OF US ARE THOUGH and sometimes I truly think you folks don't respect it. What if he misspoke and hit cost him in the Election? Did you ever think about that? I mean YOU DO KNOW THAT THIS IS AN ELECTION YEAR RIGHT? So he speaks and then you niggas come up with this 'He didn't say enough' shit? Wow. 


If I may... to quote myself..

"Again...you 'magic pill' ass niggas slay me. @ this imaginary 'enough' that you can't seem to put into SPECIFIC CONTEXT on issues."

Ya'll don't want to get me started on this shit..

 So yeah, count me out of all this 'faux disdain' you folks seem to have. 'Cause next week, WHEN SOMEONE ELSE DIES at the hands of ANOTHER BLACK MAN, you will all be hitting me (and the rest of us) with this bullshit...Out of those same mouths that are saying this week 'Nobody deserves to die...especially like...." Same mouths...

"That's the way the 'game' goes..."

"Life is like that...somebody has to die.." 

"That's what he gets..."

 (Puts Steelers Hoodie back on)

*Am I advocating that? Maybe I am. It isn't right though. Neither is letting killers who WALK AMONG US OF LITTLE CHILDERN either though. I mean if I'm as upset as you folks 'claim' to be, the better question is probably..'Why are you ADVOCATING THAT?" I digress though.... 


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